Better Leaders for a Better World.

Leadership Coaching & Leadership Development ~ for Individuals, Leadership Teams and Groups. ​

"It is not an exaggeration to say that one session with Julie accomplishes more than a year of working alone!" ~ Senior Academic Leader, Higher Education Sector

"You have this great ability to crack my head open and sort through the mess to enable me to find moments of clarity, awareness and decision." ~ Leadership Coaching Client, Defence

Areas of Coaching Specialisation


Making the shift from operational to strategic.
Developing your confidence and managing self-doubt.
Enhancing your reputation/brand.


Building better relationships.
Influencing others.
Having uncomfortable conversations.

Resilience & Wellbeing

Responding (instead of reacting) to conflict.
Overcoming your inner critic (self-criticism).
Reducing unhelpful thinking, rumination, and worry.


Learning to say no… and when to say yes!
Transitioning to a new role, or to retirement.
Career decisions: direction, impact & legacy.

Leadership Development

I am passionate about growing leadership capacity in individual and teams, to unlock potential and improve wellbeing. My commitment is always to ensure you get the most out of the time, money & energy you invest.

“Leadership is about making others better as a result of our presence and in a way that lasts into our absence.”

Definition of Leadership by Anne Morriss and Frances Frei from The Leadership Consortium

Great coaches get great results. 

"Julie, you are masterful at jointly creating a maximum environment for me as the client to thrive.. You exercised great care, follow-up, expertise and attention to both strategic and operational dimensions to the goals I wanted to achieve and you helped me to 'mess around' with my worldviews which is exactly what I wanted and needed. I felt challenged within a secure environment and you demonstrated authenticity and passion in how you truly paid attention, deeply listened, and shone the mirror back at me in productive ways so I could achieve growth and progress. I felt empowered and achieved breakthroughs, on both personal and professional levels, and for that all I am truly grateful". ~ Senior Academic Leader, Higher Education Sector

"Julie is an extremely motivating coach ... I feel like my growth during the period we worked together was beneficial and will improve the trajectory of my career." ~ Professional Staff Leader, Higher Education Sector

"Thank you, Julie, your insights, guidance, and encouragement were invaluable, and allowed me to reflect, focus and recalibrate, and become more confident within my performance and professional goals."~ Professional Staff Leader, Higher Education Sector