Sponsored coaching is where your sponsor (typically your leader/manager) is involved in the coaching engagement. This allows open sharing between you, your sponsor, and me (as your coach) and enables alignment of the coaching process with organisational goals. It also makes the impact of coaching more visible and impactful. Who I worked with: This was Read More
Case Study: Self-Funded Coaching Engagement
While coaching is often funded by your employer, it can also be self-funded. You might decide to do this if you are planning a transition, at a career crossroads, or want to consider roles beyond your current employer. Who I worked with: This was a 5 hour self-funded coaching engagement, spanning a period of 6 Read More
Case Study: Group Mentor Coaching and Group Supervision for Internal Coaches
Internal coaching presents some unique challenges. Regardless of coaching skill, experience, qualifications, or credentials, internal coaches encounter and manage a myriad of ethical issues. These include navigating appropriately confidentiality requirements, complex relationships, appropriate boundary setting and potential conflicts of interest. As a Coaching Supervisor and Mentor Coach I am able to support the ongoing learning of Read More
Case Study: Full Day Workshops
When it comes to running workshops, I adopt a highly experiential approach. In every workshop there will be sharing of relevant tools & strategies and the opportunity for participants to reflect on and apply the new learning to a real-life challenge they are experiencing. I run full-day workshops on a variety of topics, such as Read More
Case Study: Leadership Development Programs
My aim is always to provide a supportive and collaborative environment for leaders to undertake professional development that generates a lasting impact on both the individuals involved and the organisations they lead, in terms of skill enhancement and the creation of sustainable learning communities. My programs are designed to develop future leaders, or to enable Read More
Case Study: Partnership with a School
In a long-term coaching partnership I work together with the client to deliver a range of coaching and leadership development services. These services are to support the team, to maximise potential and contribute to ongoing development. Who I worked with: Glenunga International High School, Adelaide, South Australia: in 2020-2025. The challenge: The original challenge was Read More
Coaching Accreditation with the AC
I’ve written this post because I thought there might be a few people interested in what the application process for coaching accreditation through the Association for Coaching involves. The AC Executive Coach Accreditation Scheme is for coaches working primarily in an organisational context (noting there is a separate Coach Accreditation Scheme for all other coaches). Read More
Anyone can call themselves a coach.
This is a quote from an article published in The Age earlier in the year… it highlights the problem of everyone being able to call themselves a coach: “But here’s the bottom line: your coach does not need one day of training in anything to call themselves a coach. In Australia, several bodies such as the ICF offer Read More
Is it time to start thinking about your legacy?
If you search the Internet you will find many articles about leaving a great legacy and such beautifully worded advice may suggest you think about how to impact your organisation and its people, with your legacy being the relative strength or value of the organisation you have created. But what if you choose to think more broadly Read More
Supervision or SUPER-vision?
I’m happy to admit that back in 2014 when I was first credentialed I really didn’t really know the difference between mentor coaching and supervision. Even after I read the ICF article that outlined the key differences…! And I’m happy to admit this, because I’m pretty sure there are still a significant number of coaches Read More