Coaching Conversations for Leaders

Are you in a role where you manage or lead others? Do you want to add skills to your toolkit for growing and developing people? Perhaps your aim is to acquire the skill and confidence to coach others. In the Coaching Conversations Workshop we bring coaching skills and a coaching mindset into the way you relate to and lead other people.

“Really valuable information and strategies to build culture and become a coach. Things that can be applied straight away, which is great."

My aim is to provide a supportive and collaborative environment for leaders to undertake professional development that generates a lasting impact on both the individuals involved and the organisations they lead, in terms of skill enhancement and the creation of sustainable learning communities. 

There are many definitions of a ‘coaching culture’, but here is one that appeared in Coaching: International Journal of Theory, Research and Practice: It’s a culture where employees and managers all take a similar approach (coaching) to develop and interact with others—one where they prioritize helping other people grow in the context of work.

I’m passionate about helping leaders develop “a coaching approach”, which is fundamentally about bringing coaching skills and a coaching mindset into how you relate to other people. You can use a coaching approach to help someone:

  • clarify their goals
  • be at their best
  • generate and explore new ideas
  • manage stress
  • develop their resilience/resourcefulness
  • debrief something difficult
  • overcome resistance to change

Option A

Workshop Only

This full-day workshop will help participants to develop their coaching competency and practice their new skills in a safe and supportive learning environment.

By the end of the Full Day Workshop you will:

  • Understand the difference between coaching conversations and other conversations you will have as a manager/leader.
  • Be able to identify when coaching is the right approach.
  • Gain familiarity with coaching models and core coaching capabilities.
  • Consider the importance of psychological safety and learn how to create it.
  • Learn how to use a coaching approach to raise awareness and commitment to action.
  • Experience coaching, from both sides of the table – give and receive feedback.
  • Learn how to use a ‘corridor’ conversation to coach.
  • Appreciate what is required to set-up a conversation for success.

Option B

Tailored Program

Incorporating the Workshop & embedding learning through coaching support, the Tailored Program will normally run over a period of 6-9 months. A sample program structure is provided below.

  • Full Day Workshop
  • + Small Group Coaching – Working with an ICF Credentialed Coach, these sessions focus on the real-life application of coaching skills. The opportunity to learn from peers and the collective wisdom of the group is often what people find valuable about group coaching. A smaller group size of 6 guarantees participants a high degree of interaction, and individual attention.  Small group coaching sessions can be delivered virtually (via Zoom) or face-to-face.
  • + 1:1 Mentor Coaching – you will work 1:1 with an ICF-Accredited Mentor Coach, to develop skill, celebrate success, and explore challenges. Your mentor coach will help you sharpen your skills and develop your capability. Sessions are conducted virtually (via Zoom). 
  • Pre-work and other supporting resources will be provided throughout the program.

If you are organising development for a group/team: workshops can be delivered face-to-face or virtually for a date that suits your group. 

If you are organising development for a group/team: the Workhop and Tailored Prorgram can be scheduled for dates that suit your group. 

Sample Structure for Tailored Program

Full-Day Workshop


Full day face-to-face workshop for up to 18 people.

+ Small Group Coaching


60-minute group coaching sessions, in small groups of 6.

+ 1:1 Coaching


30-minute 1:1 virtual mentor coaching sessions.

Accountability Buddy


Self-paced practice with a peer.

Workshop - open enrolment

If you are an individual, funding your own development: these virtual workshops have been scheduled for ‘open’ enrolment. Delivered virtually, the registration fee is $450+GST per person, which includes pre and post work, and workshop participation. A 10% deposit is payable on registration, with the balance payable one month prior to the workshop.

Next Offering

Wednesday 2 April, 2025

Full Day Workshop, delivered virtually
8.30am-4.30pm (Adelaide time)

Wednesday 13 August, 2025

Full Day Workshop, delivered virtually
8.30am-4.30pm (Adelaide time)

What workshop participants said in their feedback...

Feedback from Coaching Conversations workshops:
“I felt I came into these sessions with little knowledge about coaching and what it involves. It has been valuable for me as I feel I have developed some strategies around questioning and listening.”
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Feedback from Coaching Conversations workshops:
“How the techniques we had been shown and encouraged to trial supported individuals to reflect on their thoughts, behaviours, and actions, helping them gain insight into themselves and their decision-making.”
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Feedback from Coaching Conversations workshops:
“Knowledgeable, expert presenter. Put everyone at ease and maximised our learning time.”
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Feedback from Coaching Conversations workshops:
“Provides the opportunity to not only reflect but problem solve from within and take action on issues that may consume your thinking, It provides clarity of thinking when you use the GROW questions and build confidence to know and recognise that you have the solutions within you.”
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Feedback from Coaching Conversations workshops:
“It’s a useful and practical training that can easily be applied to the educational leadership setting.”
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Feedback from Coaching Conversations workshops:
“I really appreciated the way Julie provided a good balance of scaffolding but also being mindful that there were a lot of experienced leaders in the room, most of us having done some previous work around coaching. Thank you for creating safe conditions for people to feel comfortable contributing to the group and for valuing our input across the day. I also really enjoyed that there were lots of practical components where we were given time to practice coaching with a clear question framework to do so.”
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Feedback from Coaching Conversations workshops:
“An Informative and empowering workshop that skills you to make a difference.”
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Feedback from Coaching Conversations workshops:
“Thought provoking because it was subtly different to other PD we have done in this space. Even though I’ve done quite a lot of PD around coaching, this really made me re-reflect on what coaching is and isn’t, which is really useful.”
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Feedback from Coaching Conversations workshops:
“Loved the mixed approach which allowed me to listen, learn and then apply the strategies. Really appreciated the time to practice and being vulnerable within a safe environment.”
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Feedback from Coaching Conversations workshops:
“Really valuable information and strategies to build culture and become a coach. Things that can be applied straight away, which is great.”
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Feedback from Coaching Conversations workshops:
“Thought provoking, strategies you can use right now.”
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Feedback from Coaching Conversations workshops:
“Informative, practical and strategies you can implement straight away.”
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Feedback from Coaching Conversations workshops:
“Fantastic! Informative, well-paced, plenty of time for questions, conversation and practice.“
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Feedback from Coaching Conversations workshops:
“Purposeful, reflective, supportive, capacity building.”
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Feedback from Coaching Conversations workshops:
“The fact that the approach has not been to jam more and more content into the sessions, but to give time to continuing the same thinking has been valuable in embedding the way of being as a coach.The whole approach has been respectful of what people bring.”
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Feedback from Coaching Conversations workshops:
“It’s something that has truly benefitted my headspace, particularly in how we acknowledge time as a resource, investing that time into our interactions and avoiding ‘false rescues’.”
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Feedback from Coaching Conversations workshops:
"The Coaching Conversations Program provided an excellent opportunity to develop deeper active listening skills and build confidence in developing productive and meaningful conversations with colleagues."
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Feedback from Coaching Conversations workshops:
"A fantastic model and broader philosophy on coaching others as a leader."
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Feedback from Coaching Conversations workshops:
"Time to bounce ideas with Julie and peers. Very practical initial workshop that provided time for us to practice using the coaching questions. Really appreciated the ongoing readings and links to resources to continue to build our understanding. Having the 1:1 sessions with Julie helped with keeping accountable so that the coaching doesn't 'drop off' the radar'."
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My aim is to provide a supportive and collaborative environment for leaders to undertake professional development that generates a lasting impact on both the individuals involved and the organisations they lead, in terms of skill enhancement and the creation of sustainable learning communities. 

What is a ‘Coaching Culture’?

According to ICF research assessing hundreds of organizations, a Coaching Culture is one where:

  • All employees in the organization have an equal opportunity to get professional coaching.
  • The organization uses internal coaches and external coaches.
  • Managers use coaching skills.
  • It’s valued across the organisation.
  • It has a dedicated budget.

The ripple effect starts with individual behaviour changes, encouraged by internal or external coaches or by managers, that help them become better at applying their coaching skills.

Anyone can help create a coaching culture inside their organisation if they work to develop and practice these skills with others. These core coaching skills are developed in the Coaching Conversations for Leaders program.