I’ve written this post because I thought there might be a few people interested in what the application process for coaching accreditation through the Association for Coaching involves.
The AC Executive Coach Accreditation Scheme is for coaches working primarily in an organisational context (noting there is a separate Coach Accreditation Scheme for all other coaches). There is a set of criteria for coach training and experience for each level.

My AC Accreditation Journey
In 2021 I was already accredited by the International Coach Federation (ICF) as a Professional Certified Coach (PCC), so I was able to apply for accreditation via their Recognised Accelerated Pathway – this provides a fast-track route for coaches who are already accredited with the ICF (and EMCC). I applied for and was awarded accreditation as AC Professional Executive Coach, a 3-year accreditation which I renewed earlier this year.
My most recent application was to ‘upgrade’ to accreditation as a Master Executive Coach. I was required to complete an Application Form, which included:
- a 2000-word case study,
- and a 2000-word summary of my Personal Coaching Approach,
- and a written responses to three ethical dilemmas.
As part of my application, I also had to:
- Submit a log of my coaching experience, providing evidence of 1500+ hours of coaching experience (98% of my logged coaching experience was with executive coaching clients).
- Submit evidence of participation in continuing professional development, with a requirement of 40+ hours per year for past three years and reflecting on the learning gained from each CPD activity.
- Submit three Client References (a 6-page form, with ratings and comments, which was completed by three of my past clients – a BIG thank you to each of them!)
- Submit a Reference from my Coaching Supervisor (again, a HUGE thank you to Keren Smedley for completing the 9-page form to support my application).
- Submit a log of my monthly supervision sessions for the past 12 months, identifying the key learnings/application of learning and linking each to an AC core coaching/executive coaching competency.
- Submit the audio of a recorded coaching session, accompanied by a verbatim transcript. Thank you to the wonderful coaching client who agreed to let me record our coaching session – you know who you are!
- Write a 2000-word reflection about the recorded coaching session.
As you can see, it’s a rigorous process! While I participate regularly in supervision on my coaching practice (and supervision on my supervision practice), preparing this application certainly provided me with an opportunity to reflect in quite a different way.
Please don’t hesitate to ask if you’re interested in learning more about my experience of accreditation with the AC!