Julie Lines, Master Executive Coach
Qualified Oxford Brookes Coaching Supervisor & ICF Registered Mentor Coach
I am a qualified Coaching Supervisor, having completed Oxford Brookes University’s Professional Certificate of Advanced Study in Coaching Supervision.
I am accredited as a Master Executive Coach with the Association for Coaching. I also hold the ICF credential of Professional Certified Coach (PCC) and I am an ICF registered Mentor Coach. Since completing my original coach specific training through the Institute of Executive and Leadership Coaching (IECL), I have been engaged in continuous professional development to expand my knowledge of coaching theory and practice.
I am an experienced executive and leadership coach with more than 1500 hours of coaching experience. I work as an Associate Coach with several Australian and global coaching organisations and I am a member of many coaching panels, coaching people at all levels and from a range of backgrounds across Australasia. I have worked as an internal and external coach.
As Senior Faculty for the for Institute of Executive Coaching and Leadership (IECL), I am also involved in delivering Organisational Coaching training (certification and accreditation programs) and Organisational Coaching Supervision training.
Prior to becoming a coach I held senior leadership roles in the higher education sector, mentoring and supervising individuals and teams over several decades. I now delight in mentoring and supervising other coaches, and leaders who have undertaken coach training.
My Coaching Supervision Principles
- You can bring everything and anything into a supervision session (issues which are technical, ethical, personal, or commercial in nature).
- I can be your supervisor, coach, mentor, critical friend, listening ear, cheerleader, sounding board – you will choose what you need from me in each supervision session.
- I will work with curiosity and openness.
- I will respect your competence and trust you as a fellow professional.
- I will help you discover what is on the ‘edge’ of your awareness.
- I will share transparently what I see in your coaching work.
- I will share my own learning experiences and perspectives.
- I will clarify good coaching practice.
- I will highlight potential ethical concerns.
- I will share any concerns I have about your practice directly with you, and invite the same in return.
Reference: Introducing the StEWARD framework: a perspective on the Coach Supervisor Mindset, by Michelle Lucas. International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentoring 2024, Vol 22(2), pp 290-304.
Relevant Qualifications & Certifications
Coaching Certifications
I was first credentialed as an Associate Certified Coach (ACC) in 2015. I successfully achieved the ICF Professional Certified Coach (PCC) credential in 2018. My PCC credential was renewed by the ICF for a further three years in 2021.
In 2021 I was accredited as a Professional Executive Coach (PCC) with the Association for Coaching. I was upgraded to Master Executive Coach (MEC) in 2024.
I am an IECL Accredited Coach (having completed Level 1-3 IECL Organisational Coach Training).
Mentor Coach Training
I have completed the ICF PCC Marker Training, which is the training ICF Assessors are required to complete.
I am also trained as an Accreditation Assessor for the Association for Coaching.
You will find me listed in the ICF Mentor Coach Registry – a prominent database of international mentor coaches. To be included in this registry, I was required to hold my original credential for 3 years and to follow the ICF Best Practice for Mentor Coaches and deliver high quality mentor coaching services on an ongoing basis.
Supervision Qualifications
I am an Oxford Brookes University Qualified Coaching Supervisor.
You will find me listed in the Australasian Community for Coaching Supervision.
You may like to read more information about what supervision is and how to gauge the quality of a coaching supervisor on the ACCS website.
Testimonials from coaches I have supervised…
“Thank you so much for today’s session. Always delighted! and everytime I feel like I learn more and more and gain more and broader perspectives about what a professional coach should be. It gives me space to grow not only as coach but also as an individual. THANK YOU!”
Rini, ACC, Jakarta
“As my coach supervisor she has been supportive and challenging at the same time. She gives me a safe space to reflect and look at my growth areas with kindness. She also offers much needed guidance and suggestions from her experience and referring to coaching frameworks. Working with her allows me to reflect on my coaching with kindness and my learning journey with optimism. Julie also provides an amazing space of companionship where just hearing “I’ve been there too, this is normal and I’m here for you” has been so important for me.”
Lucy, ACC, Brisbane
Mentors and Supervisors need knowledge and skills over and above those of a coach and these are different from that of a highly experienced coach.