Are you waiting for the fraud squad to bust down your door? Imposter syndrome is nothing new, but what is it that makes us feel like such frauds?
This ABC Health and Wellbeing article on Understanding Imposter Syndrome sheds some light:
“Pressuring parents growing up, anxiety, or your own impossibly high standards are said to plant the seed. Whatever the cause, feelings of phoniness, low self-confidence and fear of failure often stop sufferers from going after (or holding on to) things we really want in life.”
Imposter sydrome affects men and women of all ages and it may surprise you to learn that the more successful you are, the bigger the fraud you may feel.
“…impostors can’t shake the feeling that they haven’t really earned their success. Instead they believe it is all comes down to luck, charm, trickery or being in the right place at the right time.”
People suffering imposter syndrome often can’t see their own strenghts. A coach utilising a strengths-based approach will work with you to see past the delusion that your success has been based on:
(a) luck
(b) tricking others into believing you are competent, or
(c) being in the right place at the right time.
If you think your inner-fraud is holding you back, coaching can help you reach your full potential.