Mid-Level (Established) Leaders
Sustaining Good Leadership

Effective leadership requires you to think clearly and respond appropriately in complex and difficult situations. This program aims to develop the ability of existing leaders to act with awareness and intentional choice. To see new things in themselves and to be more authentic and impactful in the way they lead. To learn how to bring other people along and achieve success by helping others grow. Participants will learn how to elevate others as they elevate themselves, and their organisations.

The outcome of this program is understanding yourself better and becoming more self-aware, in a collaborative and supportive environment with peers. It aims to generate insights through guided reflective enquiry that will improve the quality of your leadership, expand your capability and confidence.

The program includes:
PRINT® Survey and Individual Debrief.
Participation in 6 Focussed Learning Sessions.

Team Debrief of PRINT® survey results.
Individual Leadership Coaching.

Program Structure

Introductory 'Meet and Greet'

To get to know each other and explore your leadership journey to date.

PRINT® Report & Individual Debrief

A debrief of your PRINT® Report, to better understand the ‘why of You’. 

6 x Focussed Learning Sessions

Small group sessions, with topics chosen from the list below.

Leadership Coaching

One-to-one leadership coaching sessions to deepen and personalise the learning.

A topic will be set for each of the 6 x Focussed Learning Session and possible topics include:

  • Adopting a Leadership Mindset
  • Building Trusting Relationships
  • Coaching v’s Doing: with a focus on the other person’s growth
  • Providing Meaningful Feedback
  • Cultivating a Safe & Supportive Environment
  • Influencing and Engaging Others
  • Having Uncomfortable Conversations
  • Leading with Calm in Complexity (v’s reactive behaviour)
  • Fostering Wellbeing for Performance

PRINT®: Understanding the 'Why' of You

How can a leader be more fulfilled, achive their full potential and function at their best? A large part of the answer comes from understanding what makes people do what they do. PRINT® uncovers the core motivations that drive people’s actions. These are called Unconscious Motivators and everyone has two, a Major and Minor. Unconscious Motivators get to the heart of why people act or behave as they do when certain things occur in their life.

The PRINT® survey, the tool to identify one’s Unconscious Motivators® is short (takes 10 minutes) followed by a brief, “to the point”, easy to digest report revealing each person’s Major and Minor Unconscious Motivators, anticipated Best Self and potential Shadow traits (PRINT® Report), and unique set of Triggers (Trigger Report).

PRINT® Individual Report Debrief

A key outcome of the individual debrief is a better understanding of how to leverage your leadership strengths and stay in Best Self more often. By developing greater self-awareness, you can develop strategies to minimise your Shadow and become a more effective and impactful leader.

Focussed Learning Sessions

Reflective practice is essential for developing leadership capability, but there are few opportunities for mid-level leaders to stop and reflect. In small group coaching members are asked to reflect on their own leadership and provide input by asking questions or offering advice to others. Reflective questions give participants an opportunity to explore their own thinking, intentions, and values – to see new things in themselves and consider what’s most important for their leadership.

Catering for a group of 6-8 people, the small group size allows for a high degree of interaction and individual attention, with group members sharing and learning from their peers and the collective wisdom of the group. The sharing of experience in group coaching can help people to view problems from different perspectives – to observe other styles and then experiment with new approaches between sessions.

Before each session I will provide relevant resources (which could include articles, books, podcasts, or information sheets) to prompt thinking on the chosen topic. Before the end of each session, participants will be asked to identify a key learning and make a commitment to action.

Optional: Individual Leadership Coaching

Leadership Coaching is bespoke and focused on individual need. These 30-minute one-to-one leadership coaching sessions are designed to deepen and personalise the learning. They provide an opportunity for the individual to explore workplace challenges, plan for and reflect on experiments, and celebrate successes.

Optional: Team Debrief of PRINT® survey results.

The team debrief is about understanding the strengths and benefits (positive Best Self characteristics), as well as the potential challenges (automatic, unproductive Shadow traits) that accompany each Unconscious Motivator and how these impact on the team’s performance.

When completed by all members of a team, PRINT can lead to a greater appreciation of each other’s needs, motivations, capabilities and perspectives. It also helps each member know what they can do to support and foster “Best Self” in others and promotes personal accountability for choices, behaviours, and actions. Each team member, including the leader, will be invited to share their top Triggers. Personal action plans will be created, outlining strategies to overcome potential challenges.

Small Group Coaching Approach

While leadership coaching is traditionally delivered one-to-one, these small group coaching programs provide an opportunity for participants to normalise their experience and learn from the collective wisdom of the group.

Each group coaching session has a clear focus and is highly experiential, with an action-learning approach that enables the learning to be applied to solve real work challenges. Coaching uses an action learning approach and at the end of each session participants will be asked to clarify the action or experiment to which they are committed. As part of the program design, between sessions, participants will be encouraged to experiment with new tools and behaviours.

More Testimonials from Past Participants

~ Program Participants, 2020/2021/2022 ~

“Program was well balanced between providing insightful information and thinking and developing yourself in collaboration with peers. It was great to work alongside others and create networks of support at the site. These have already been utilised and a great effect.”

“Reflective practices are vital to all aspiring leaders (and current leaders), and the need to distance the self from discussions is very important.”

“The sessions gave me an opportunity to reflect on where I am at in my leadership journey, who I aspire to be more like and how I can get there. It was great having the time to really deeply reflect on what my strengths are and why I work really well with some people, but only sort of ok with others.”

“I think it’s very useful as growth as individuals (not just leaders) to be able to understand yourself and others better. Also, conflict resolving and understanding emotional intelligence is always a useful skill to have.”

“Useful, targeted and practical. The course makes the participant reflect, consider and become more self aware from the get go, creating tangible opportunity to implement their learning in the real world straight away.”

“Informative, eye opening and hopefully a road map to take with me.”

“It is a beautiful and safe environment where you can reflect on yourself and improve yourself with no judgement.”

“The added confidence and ability to know how to use a range of strategies to deal with the many and varying situation. This was both inspiring, challenging and reflective at the same time. The check lists and acronyms are also easy to remember are now part of my ‘toolkit’. I feel more confident to deal with situations no matter what skills, abilities, motivation and or challenges that are presented.”

“I feel the sessions brought out the best in me. I have learnt to carefully consider my actions and choices before I speak with other professionals, so that I can support them and communicate my intentions with more clarity.”

“Each session opened up new learnings and built on the previous – identifying strength and shadow behaviours and being able to identify them. The final session brought everything together – listening, questioning and tough conversations are all key areas of development.”

“Knowing our strengths and using that knowledge to approach situations can allow us to gain more from the situation and contribute and collaborate more effectively. Overusing our strengths can cause shadow and often affect others inadvertently. It is really beneficial having the professional/personal reflective conversations with others as much to hear other people speak as being heard. The listening task was very powerful.”