Programs for Leaders

Great leaders start with great leadership development.

By definition, leadership development is the process of enhancing an individual's ability to perform in a leadership role. This could be an activity to prepare future leaders, or to enable current leaders to perform more effectively in their roles. I am committed to delivering programs that deliver value for all the leaders who participate in them.

Coaching Conversations

Acquire the skill and confidence to coach others. This program aims to help you understand the value of coaching and learn how to set up a conversation for success.

Emerging & Aspiring Leaders 

Explore your unique strengths and what drives you as a leader, consider how you want to be seen by others, and look at how you lead when you are at your personal best.

Challenging Conversations 

We will explore the factors influence successful delivery and you will experiment with preparing for an uncomfortable conversation you need to have. 

Information about Programs

All programs are delivered face-to-face, or can be delivered virtually via Zoom.

They are scheduled to run over a pre-determined period of time, in conslutation with each client.

Programs include: 

  • For Coaching Conversations and Challenging Conversations, a full-day workshop.
  • For Emerging and Aspiring Leaders, there are 4 x 2-hour sessions.
  • Pre-work.
  • Resources between sessions.
  • Small group coaching sessions.
  • 1:1 mentor coaching sessions

Sample Structure for Tailored Program

Full-Day Workshop


Full day face-to-face workshop for up to 18 people.

+ Small Group Coaching


60-minute group coaching sessions, in small groups of 6.

+ 1:1 Coaching


30-minute 1:1 virtual mentor coaching sessions.

Accountability Buddy


Self-paced practice with a peer.

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